MicroShift with Advanced Cluster Management

Manage the MicroShift cluster through Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM).

MicroShift with Advanced Cluster Management

Managing through RHACM (Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management) works just like for any other imported managed cluster (see [docs]). However, as secure production deployments don't provide any form of remote access to the cluster via ssh or kubectl, the recommended approach is to define a new cluster with ACM to get managed cluster credentials, then using your device (configuration) management agent of your choice to synchronise those credentials to the device and have MicroShift apply them automatically.

The feature of using RHACM to manage the lifecycle of applications running on MicroShift is only available for AMD64 based systems. Starting with RHACM 2.5, the management functionality of applications running on MicroShift will be available on ARM based architectures.

The steps below assume that RHACM has been installed on a cluster recognized as the hub cluster and that MicroShift is installed on a separate cluster referred to as the managed cluster.

Defining the managed cluster in hub cluster

The following steps can be performed in the RHACM UI or on the CLI. On the RHACM hub cluster, run the following commands to define the MicroShift cluster as the managed cluster:

NOTE: Ensure you set the CLUSTER_NAME to a unique value that relates to the MicroShift cluster.

export CLUSTER_NAME=microshift

oc new-project ${CLUSTER_NAME}

oc label namespace ${CLUSTER_NAME} cluster.open-cluster-management.io/managedCluster=${CLUSTER_NAME}

Apply the following to define the managed MicroShift cluster.

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: agent.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: KlusterletAddonConfig
  name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  namespace: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  clusterName: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  clusterNamespace: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    cloud: auto-detect
    vendor: auto-detect
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: ManagedCluster
  name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  hubAcceptsClient: true

This will generate a secret named ${CLUSTER_NAME}-import in the ${CLUSTER_NAME} namespace. Extract the import.yaml and the crds.yaml which requires yq to be installed.

IMPORT=`oc get secret "$CLUSTER_NAME"-import -n "$CLUSTER_NAME" -o jsonpath={.data.import\\.yaml} | base64 --decode'`
IMPORT_KUBECONFIG=$(yq eval-all '. | select(.metadata.name == "bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig") | .data.kubeconfig' IMPORT)

Importing the managed Microshift cluster to hub cluster

The importing process can be done automatically by RHACM components running on the hub cluster once the following steps are performed on managed MicroShift cluster. A detailed explanation can be found in RHACM documentation.

Prepare the manifests

A list of the K8s manifests based on Kustomize can be found in this repo. This repo contains more than manifests however we will only focus on the manifests folder. Before syncing the manifests to the MicroShift node, the following commands need to be run to render manifests:

sed -i "s/{{ .clustername }}/${CLUSTER_NAME}/g" manifests/klusterlet.yaml
sed -i "s/{{ .kubeconfig }}/${IMPORT_KUBECONFIG}/g" manifests/klusterlet-kubeconfighub.yaml

Sync manifests to MicroShift node

The next step is to sync manifests to the MicroShift node. MicroShift has the feature of auto-applying manifests. Once it finds a kustomization.yaml file in ${DATADIR}/manifests (which defaults to /var/lib/microshift/manifests), kubectl apply -k will be run automatically upon start-up. The rendered manifests then need to be synced to ${DATADIR}/manifests.

The syncing of manifests to managed Microshift cluster can be done by utilizing any GitOps tool to fetch the Kubernetes Kustomize manifests and put them in the directory described above, e.g. Transmission tool can be used to pull updates and apply them transactionally on the ostree-based Linux operating systems.

MicroShift auto-applies those manifests to register with the ACM cluster

The cluster now should have all add-ons enabled and be in a READY state within RHACM.

Last modified October 24, 2023 at 8:51 AM PST : build(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 (#212) (333d7a1)
Last modified October 24, 2023 at 8:51 AM PST : build(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 (#212) (333d7a1)